My name is Kylie, and I am part of the Signing Stars team. My interest in baby sign language started about 1 year ago, and now I have started baby signing with Olivia. I started baby signing when she was about 7mths. I noticed she would watch my actions of the sign “eat”. Although she could not do it, she watched me very intently.
Now she is just over 8mths, I think she did her first sign to “eat”. I was so happy to see it, even though she has not done it since, she still watches my action and now I also get her big sister to do it as well. Ava is two, and I am also teaching her to sign and she is very good at it. I can say a word she knows the sign for and she does the sign without any prompting. I am hoping she can help me teach Olivia along the way.
Keep a watch out for more Olivia baby signing updates, I will be updating you on her progress.
Happy Signing!
Kylie - Signing Stars