Our Courses
A Signing Hands course lasts for 8 weeks. The lessons are once a week and last for one hour. There are Baby, Toddler and Pre Kindy courses available.
Our courses include a booklet containing pictures and written descriptions of how to perform more than 200 signs. It also provides you with invaluable information regarding how to gain the most from your baby signing experience and helpful tips.
The classes are for parents/carers and babies/children. They will consist of approximately 45 minutes signing time with the babies/children using stories, songs, puppets, rhymes and play. Towards the end of signing time a snack is provided while a story is read and then there is time for parents to chat and ask questions. All baby classes cater for mixed abilities & ages from birth to approximately 18 months.
The main emphasis during Signing Hands classes is having fun with your baby. Babies acquire the majority of their knowledge and skills through play and interaction with those around them. Signing with your baby is a unique experience, enhancing the close bond between you and allowing for communication and understanding from an incredibly early age.
Full Courses
$231 for the first term (Includes $21 GST)
$209 for all subsequent terms (includes $19 GST)
Condensed Courses - on request
$220 per person (includes $20 GST) minimum of 8 participants
Make Up Classes
We understand how hard it can be for parents to attend all the sessions in one term and we appreciate you keeping your baby away if they are sick. You are welcome to make up any missed classes during the term at any other location of your choice. 3 missed classes can also be carried into the following term if you are re-booking and 1 may be carried forward if you are not. These are given as additional classes, not a reduction in the full term fee.

Check out the free trial videos at the bottom of the page. See how the signs are presented and some of the class activities.
SIGNING - "sad"

No previous signing experience needed
All baby classes cater for mixed abilities and ages. We suggest that parents start during the term their baby will turn 6 months, but we are flexible if there are specific reasons for parents to start early.
Babies will be introduced to a whole range of Auslan signs using songs, toys, puppets and play. The groups of signs that will be covered during the 8 weeks are the main words used during our day to day life with a young baby. We look at the family, daily routines - including nappy changing, mealtimes, bath time, needs and danger signs. We also cover farm, wild and Australian animals, and toys, transport, colours, emotions and much much more.
Parents and carers are taught how to introduce the signs and which ones to use first. There is a lot of repetition in the baby classes to enable everyone to learn these really important first signs. The signs are introduced using songs, toys, puppets & play.
Please contact us if you would be interested in attending.
No previous signing experience needed
Following the success of its current baby signing courses and in response to demand from parents, Signing Hands started running toddler classes in August 2008. These classes have developed considerably over the years and now cover a wealth of signs, far exceeding parents' expectations.
Toddlers will be introduced to a whole range of Auslan signs including colours, emotions, numbers, the alphabet, communication signs and many more.
Signs are taught through a variety of activities - singing, dancing, games and craft. Different themes are covered each week and the children always make something interactive to take away so that the signs can be reinforced at home.
Please contact us if you would be interested in attending.

No previous signing experience needed
Signing Hands ran it's first KINDY SIGNING COURSE in Term 1 2013. This was the first of it's kind in WA.
We provide a full course based on the Auslan LOTE programme designed for pre-school children. Each term will cover different aspects of the curriculum, using games, basic worksheets, toys and music to teach the signs.
Children will learn to link signs together into small sentences and the focus will be on extending communication rather than single object signing.
These classes are run by request and are continuing through the year. Anyone who wishes to join is very welcome.
Please contact us if you would be interested in attending.
No previous signing experience needed
These courses suit busy Mums who can't commit to an 8 week course. The Signing Hands Beginners Course is presented in your own home in 2 sessions, each lasting 2 hours. The first session covers the basic signs needed to begin signing with your baby and introduces you to the techniques required to obtain the best results. The second session follows three weeks later.
The first signs are repeated briefly before the rest of the 'beginner' signs are covered. Lots of time is spent playing with toys and singing and parents are shown a wide variety of methods for encouraging your baby to sign and recognising their first attempts.
All participants will receive the same booklet given to full course members. This includes all the signs taught with written descriptions of how to perform the signs plus much more.
A condensed course requires a minimum of 8 participants and costs $220 per person. Please contact us if you would be interested in having a condensed course in your home.
Free trial videos
Free trial videos

Baa-Baa Black Sheep

WK 5, Video 1. Introduction